Impact of Philanthropy
The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs can achieve its strategic goals with the participation and philanthropic support of Georgia Tech’s alumni and friends. This support is critical to the School’s faculty, student, and program success and to ensuring the School’s upward trajectory as an authority on science and technology policy in a global environment. Challenged by former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn to serve as Georgia Tech’s “point guard” on technology and security policy, private philanthropy will enable the School to meet its strategic funding priorities and take on global challenges.
Philanthropy has a real, tangible impact on Nunn school faculty, students, and alumni. Read real stories of impact below.
Stories of Impact

“After earning my bachelor’s in the Nunn School, I decided to pursue a master’s in International Affairs. The Rinell Family President’s Scholarship will allow me to earn two degrees with no student loans — for which I am so grateful!”
Emma Smith, INTA 2016, M.S. INTA 2019, Georgia Tech's Rinell Family President’s Scholar
“Because of the Stamps President’s Scholarship and the Nunn School research grant, I have had the opportunity to meet, discuss, and collaborate with experts from all corners of the globe. The highlight of these awards has been the mentorship and collaborative relationships I have developed with Georgia Tech faculty and students. The doors that have been opened for me were made possible because of these awards, for which I am grateful.”
Noah Crafts, IAML 2021, Georgia Tech's Stamps President’s Scholar and Nunn School Research Grant
"The Neal Family Chair has proved invaluable in supporting my and my colleagues' research. It has fostered collaboration within and beyond the Nunn School and acts as a multiplier across a range of activities."
Alasdair Young, Professor and Neal Family Chair

“I have quickly found that, as a whole, Georgia Tech is an institute that knows how to prepare its students for the future, no matter what it may hold. The Nunn School is no exception to this idea. I have acquired more hands-on experience with my major than I would have at any other university or institution. As an out-of-state student, receiving a Stamps President’s Scholarship has truly allowed me to attend the school of my dreams.”
Keyes Gilmer, INTA 2019, Georgia Tech's D. William Brosnan President’s Scholar

“Without the assistance that I received through my graduate teaching assistantship in the Nunn School, I would have opted to work rather than to go back to school. This has been highly impactful for my future because the education I received at the Nunn School has opened so many new doors to me. Donors have a direct impact not only on future opportunities for students, but on the future leaders and policymakers of our nation.”
Steven Hawkins, M.S. INTA 2017, U.S. Army Reserves, Foreign Affairs Officer, Presidential Management Fellowship